The traits top sales performers have over others.

Lisa Thal

Ten traits you want to have to win in sales!

There are certain traits that top sales performers have that others don’t. Get a competitive advantage today.

The traits top sales performers have over others.

I read an article in Success magazine written by Jeffrey Gitomer on the top ten traits of sales performers. I know many of you are in sales or coaching a team. I started to think about how many of the characteristics my team and I have from the list. In your next sales meeting, this would be a great discussion to have each team member see how many of these qualities they possess.

Here are the top 10 traits and the essential qualities of a high-performing salesperson. A realistic list of the characteristics needed for success by Jeffrey are:

A consistently positive attitude and enthusiasm
The number one rule is facing the customer, facing the obstacles, facing the competition, facing the economy, and yourself. We all will face setbacks and disappointments in our careers. We have something to learn from each experience. Stay curious and optimistic through the journey.

The belief that the customer will be better off
The first three parts are unwavering belief in your company, product, and yourself. But most critical is that you must believe that the customer is better off having purchased from you.

Use of creativity
Use creativity to present ideas in the customer’s favor and to differentiate yourself from the competition. Think about the person you are showing your ideas and solutions. For example, if they are analytical, think about how you can show the results from working with them. If they are expressive, you need a creative way to convey your message. They want to know your difference from the other vendors.

Ability to give and prove the value
Show proof of the value of your product or service. Your ability to give value beyond the sale will earn the sale and the loyalty of your customers. Make sure you show up before, during, and after the sale.

Ability to promote and position
Using the internet to blog, shares articles that could interest and benefit your clients. So customers will perceive you as a value-provider and a leader in your field.

Exciting, compelling presentation skills
You must develop communication skills. Ask thought-provoking questions, improve your listening skills, and have a sense of humor. Clients need to understand how your product and service will benefit them and why choosing you is their best option.

Ability to prove your value and claims through the testimony of others
Testimonials sell where salespeople can’t. The best salespeople use video testimonials to support their claims. Same with referrals. Think about your best customer and ask them if they would be willing to do a video sharing all the benefits of working with you and your company.

Ability to create an atmosphere where people want to buy (no one likes to be sold)
This is done by engaging and asking, not presenting and telling. Make your customers feel you are working with them to find the best product possible, not just telling them what you think would be best. Your conversation with the client is the difference maker.

Ability to build a relationship, not hunt or farm
We believe we need Hunters and Farmers in our sales organizations to be successful. Great salespeople are relationship-builders who provide value and help their customers win. They possess unyielding personal values and ethics.

The personal desire to excel and be their best
Jeffrey believes, and I have to agree, that the personal desire to be the best is critical. The key is that you must master all 10 in that order for this quality to manifest itself.

Where would you rank yourself today on the ten traits? Can you see some areas of opportunities for you? Your team? Life is all making progress each day. So embrace each situation for you to learn and grow.

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To learn more about Jeffrey Gitomer.

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