Spark Your Sales

Lisa Thal

How’s your year going? If you’re on track or crushing your budgets and quotas, Congratulations. If your falling short, here are seven tips to Spark Your Sales!

Add More Value.
Think about the products and services you buy? I have a feeling that it’s not always about price. Instead, the product/service that adds more value to your life. Most clients buy from those that add or show value in working with them. Your clients are no different.

Your clients see value in many different ways. A product might save them time, create more revenue, improve their operation, build employee morale and engagement. But ultimately, customers will only purchase a product that they think will benefit them. In the end, the person that earns the business does these three words: Adds More Value! What solutions can you provide to your prospect or client?

A great question to ask to add value would be the following.
“Our research has shown that the industry/market has been going in an upward/downward direction over the past days/weeks/months.”
Again, this shows you’ve done your homework and share something of real value with your client.

Learn to Listen.
More than two-thirds of clients agree: listening to their needs is essential to create a positive sales experience. So all you have to do is ask better questions and listen.

Learn about your prospect’s business. Ask your client about their industry, trends, what they’re doing to stay ahead, and even why they got into that industry. If you show interest in your prospect’s business, they’ll feel influential and respected. You will earn their trust. Everyone likes to talk about themselves; all you have to do is ask them.

Keep Building Trust.
Think about this static, only 3% of buyers trust sales reps. This trust deficit is one of the biggest problems facing salespeople. No matter how well you explain the value of your product or recommend a specific solution if your prospects don’t believe you… you’re facing an uphill battle.

But fortunately, there is a way to develop that trust by consistently demonstrating expertise. Sharing that knowledge with your prospects shows that you understand the industry and empathize with their challenges.

A great question to build trust would be the following. “My experience in this field shows that the market is improving/getting better/more profitable, so my recommendation is to invest in product x.”
You will earn the trusted advisor position and helps the prospect trust your opinions and create more opportunities for themselves.

Be A Resource.
Stay focused on how you can help your client. Stay focused on understanding what your customer needs and provide them with solutions.

Share industry trends and how to help improve their sales and operation. Or share the following statement: “Like most of our clients, no doubt you must be experiencing an upturn/downturn/increase/decrease in xxx part of your business.”
Using the phrase ‘Like most of our clients’ says that you will share some valuable market information, pique their interest in hearing more.

Persistence pays off.
I read an article from Hubspot that shared some great stats on how staying persistent can pay off to you.

It takes an average of 18 calls actually to connect with a buyer.
Only 24% of sales emails are opened, which means 76% don’t get opened. I would recommend calling and starting a conversation.
80% of sales require five follow-up calls.
44% of salespeople give up after one follow-up call.

Selling is all about relationships.
Ted Rubin – who wrote the book Return on Relationship, understands this principle. The word “Relate” is in the word Relationship. The more relatable you are to your clients, the better opportunity you have to work with them. When you spend your time having conversations with your clients about how you can help them, you will gain their trust and have a better chance of being referred to other businesses.

Share Success Stories
Clients want to work with companies that have a proven track record. The best way to do this is to share similar companies’ stories to highlight the success that they could have with your product- since they’ll want the same success. If you have a past success that’s in the same industry, mention that to them. They’ll be more interested because a competitor has had success with your product.

A great statement story to share could be the following. “The key influencers in our industry see an upturn/downturn in the near future, so my suggestion would be that fill in the blank.”

To spark your sales, you need to spark a conversation! Become that trusted advisor by listening, more value, become a resource, become more relatable, and keep sharing your successes!

Happy 4th of July and to a road of Financial Freedom!

Learn more about how to Simply Your sales meetings using 3-word topics at

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