Only 1% of us are willing to do this!

Lisa Thal

How will you separate yourself from the competition during the holiday season?

I was in a coaching session with a seller and asked them about meeting with a client they wanted to renew for next year. They shared the following: It’s hard to get a hold of them during the holiday season. Sound familiar?

If you are in sales, that could be the story you are telling yourself. I reminded the seller that clients want to hear from us if we have ideas and concepts to help their business. I then asked what you are doing to Separate yourself from others calling on the same account.

Right now is the time of year when you can separate yourself from other people, your competition, where you are, and the standards you have set for yourself: your relationships, your health, and your business.

It is challenging to catch those already ahead of you running at full speed. But there is an opportunity to move forward of those slowing down. Most people take time off during the holiday, get more casual about their routines, relax, and lose that edge.

It’s about separating yourself from others and being the best version of yourself.
It’s called growing!

We are entering into the ultimate separation season. It starts with Thanksgiving and excels into December when everyone starts taking time off; you start showing up to work late and leaving early, not focusing and hustling. You begin to make excuses like clients not wanting to meet right now. Or you tell yourself that everyone eats poorly during this time of year. Here is where you can take advantage, get excited, and turn it up when they turn it down.

Do the things others are not willing to do. That includes you! You find a way to get better each day.

Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s are holiDAYS, not holiWeeks, not holiMONTHS! Days only!

Let everyone else slow down. Even the current version of yourself wants to take it easy; you must be ready to turn it up to run laps around those people and take advantage of the separation season.

For you achievers, you want to find a way to separate yourself.
Let’s talk about some areas where you can separate.

Fitness and Nutrition
It’s the time of year when people start to back off their workouts. They skip a day or two to attend holiday parties or happy hours. Let others miss their activities, not you. It’s where you turn it up. You add one more rep to your workout. You add 10 minutes to your walks or runs. To be at peak performance takes energy. It includes your nutrition. You will have many temptations coming at you. You can separate yourself and pass on the food that brings you down, the sugary desserts, or eat half of the portion.

Hydrate! You will likely be attending more holiday gatherings. It is where you don’t want to add one more theory. Alternate your holiday beverages with water. Hydrate during work to think more clearly and minimize those lower energy moments. Most importantly, get your sleep!

How can you create separation moments with your family and friends? What could you do this holiday season? Create a moment you haven’t had before. Is it volunteering as a family to help a non-profit for several hours? Volunteer at a pet shelter to help walk the dogs, serve seniors in your community and mentor a teen. What can you do to create separation moments with your friends and family?
Below is a list of 10 creative ways to Volunteer.

10 Creative Ways to Volunteer | Walden University

The productivity of Friday afternoons. It starts about 1 pm when most people slow down heading into the weekend. It is a separation moment for you—your window to call those prospects with new and different ideas. New prospects and clients seek someone to share new ideas and concepts that help them separate themselves from their competition. What can you share with them that would be worth their time during their busy season that could impact their business?

Here is the key. You can’t hope and think about these separation moments. The key is taking action. Your body has to move as you think about these opportunities. Another opportunity during separation season is Saturdays. Can you find a few hours to separate yourself from your clients?

Life is a game of inches. Where are your opportunities? Friday afternoons and Saturdays. Or in the evenings, is there an hour when you can work on your business? Sending thoughtful ideas to your best clients and new prospects lets them know you are always looking for new ideas to share with them all 12 months of the year. Be willing to do things others think about.

It’s separation season. What about those friends or family members you haven’t talked to for a long time? Call them and let them know you were thinking about them. Do it before the holidays, when everyone else sends them their Holiday wishes. You are separating yourself by calling them weeks before the holidays start. I wanted to be the first to wish you the best this holiday or for the new year.

If you want to move from others, what you do right now will separate you. Stop hoping for it, eliminate thinking your way through life, and you must take action. Interestingly, 99% of us will keep thinking about what we want to do, while 1% will separate themselves by acting.

My question is, what are you willing to do to separate yourself this year? Separation for your fitness and nutrition, separation moments for your family and friends, separation from my competition, separation for your business, separation for your mind, your moments. We create those inches each day that turn into yards!

My wish for you this holiday season is a season of separation. Creating more moments for your friends, family, clients, and most importantly you!

Share this with friends and family. Discuss the topic of separation from your competition with your teams in your next sales meeting.

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