What three things will you bring into the new year?

Lisa Thal

What three things will you bring into the new year?


I love this quote by Ann Landers – “Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength.  However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it.”


As the New Year approaches, many of us will tend to hold on and hang in there hoping for change.   Perhaps it’s a habit we have created over the years. Instead, I encourage you to find the strength to let go of what no longer has purpose or meaning for you.  In regards to personal goals, most people tend to focus on breaking their smoking habit, losing weight, eating healthier, cutting back their spending, or finding better relationships.  Professionally, it may be finding more clients, making more money, or finding a new career.  What we must come to understand is that you are changing.  The world around you is changing.  Just because something was right for you in the past doesn’t mean it will be in the future.  Make it your mission to discover what you will bring into the new year.


For me, I have 3 things that I will bring into the new year.

1)      Health – I will continue to focus on making my health a priority.  Working my heart and lungs.  Eating mindfully.  Why?  So, I can have the energy for myself, family, friends, co-workers, clients, and those I have yet to meet.

2)      Meditation time – I will schedule time to meditate and clear my mind.  I will schedule 15 minutes a day dedicated to just think.  I’ll think about how I can grow personally and professionally, how to coach my team, and I’ll strategize solutions to my clients’ biggest challenges.

3)      Action – I will put all my thoughts into action.  I understand with no action all these thoughts are just daydreams.


Let’s shift our thinking this year and move on to what you will bring each day that will fulfill you.

  • Will you bring more confidence?
  • Will you bring more organization?
  • Will you bring the ability to ask for help and see it as a strength, rather than a weakness?
  • Will you bring a positive attitude to each experience and understand that the universe is working for you, not against you?
  • Will you embrace technology and all the new tools that you have access to, to help grow your business?
  • Will you bring in more clients who appreciate your knowledge and partnership, not just the price?


I encourage you to decide right now what you will bring into the new year and write it down.  What will bring you more purpose and meaning?  Whatever you bring, bring it with energy and enthusiasm!

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