3 Ways that stress Can Benefit you

breaking a pencil
Lisa Thal

How does the following phrase make you feel? “I am stressed out.” The word “stress” alone may make your chest tighten, your blood pressure rise, or it may make you begin to panic.

For most people, the word “stress” has a negative connotation associated with it. Why? It may be a learned behavior developed from others or through their own experiences.

The definition of stress is simply the body’s response to changes that create taxing demands. Instead of stressing out, what if you could shift your focus to use it to your advantage? What if you perceived stress as a helpful companion with benefits to offer, rather than an irritation to you?

Below are three ways that stress can become a resource for you.

1)  It boosts cognitive function. A Berkley study discovered that experiencing stress can actually generate new nerve cells in the brain and improve your mental performance. Wow!  Who would have thought that feeling a little bit of pressure could create a health benefit for us?

2)  It creates motivation to act. Stress serves as a great motivator to help you achieve your goals or accomplish that outcome you have been focused on. It aids you by helping you focus on your biggest priorities, so you can meet your deadline and complete that lengthy to-do list.

3)  It builds resilience. When you experience a small amount of pressure, you increase your resistance to future stressors. In sales and management, you experience pressure on a daily basis. In the end, stress gives you the nudge you need to get out of your comfort zone, keep moving forward, and learn from each experience.

So, the next time you see, hear, or feel stress, try adding “free” to the end. Smile and tell yourself, “I’ve got this!”

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