Your Commencement Speech!

Lisa Thal

I was having lunch with a friend whose daughter was graduating from college. She asked me what the best advice I could give her and other graduates. Keep investing in yourself, and do life differently. Then I shared, Create your path.

Graduation is not just the end of an academic chapter; it’s the beginning of a new venture filled with limitless possibilities.

How do you create your commencement speech. Consider this your blueprint for success—a personal manifesto that captures your unique vision and aspirations.

My commencement speech would be to be bold and color outside the lines. The traditional paths are just one option among many. That includes the fact that college is not for everyone. Some start their own companies. Some of us gain certifications that follow a different educational path. My advice is to take charge and craft your picture of the future.

Do you remember, as kids, we were trained to color between the lines? Color between the lines: Lisa, stay between the lines—a phrase enforced on us repeatedly.

As we grow older, we often find ourselves confined to coloring only within the lines of life, perhaps questioning why we can’t venture beyond these boundaries.

Think of all the remarkable individuals who colored outside those lines—all the great inventors and spiritual leaders in our lifetime. Here are two names: Larry Page and Sergey Brin; they invented Google in 1998! They colored outside the lines!

We look up to those who dared to create a different picture and refused to be confined by the lines. A coloring book may suggest conformity, but we often play it safe and stay within those lines. ‘I better stay between the lines,’ we tell ourselves.

Most successful people step outside those lines! They have a different vision and dare to create a different picture. Decide in your life that you are not playing the game of coloring in between someone else’s determined picture. You have a great vision for your life.

A new picture of your Life! Stepping out of your comfort zone when things get a little more challenging, trying to fit your life between those lines.

I firmly believe you were born to design your path and picture. Broaden your vision for your life. You’ll attempt things that may not be comfortable, but they are essential for your growth. Our life is all about learning and trying new experiences.

Successful people do difficult things! Take a minute to think about someone you view as successful. What are they doing differently than others? Success is when you have the courage and confidence to look ahead. When I look back on my own life and think about those times, I have to step outside the lines to push myself to learn something new, something unfamiliar.

I never thought I would be an author when I wrote the book Three Word Meetings. I had to research how to capture all my thoughts and knowledge to share with you. How do you get a book published? Then, I created the Three Word Podcast. I am not a technical person, but I asked those who were to show me how to record and edit the content I share with you each week.

I can tell you that many times, I was uncomfortable. Another example: I trained to complete the Flying Pig Marathon. I wanted to see if I could mentally and physically run 26.2 Miles! I had to create a vision that I could. Even when I had IT band issues, I had to keep running through the pain to finish.

Develop a habit of expanding yourself. Don’t shy away from discomfort. Sometimes, we have to get uncomfortable to get comfortable. It’s in these moments of unease that we truly grow. Set a new standard at work, health, relationships, and business.

What are you willing to do? Focus on your growth. We gain great happiness when we push ourselves to a new level. A better path means you can do great things with your life. See your life expanding outside those lines. You have an opportunity to inspire yourself and others.

Remember, the best way to predict the future is to create it.  Make your mark on the world. Keep Graduating to the next level!

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