From Stress to Success Five Questions Every Leader Should Ask Themselves!

Lisa Thal

So here is a question for you.

Have you been feeling a bit more stressed recently?

Are you feeling frustrated?

Could you use a little hope or possibility in your life? 

Robin Sharma is one of the Top five Leadership Experts in the world and an internationally acclaimed bestselling author. His work is embraced by rock stars, royalty, billionaires, and celebrity CEOs.

He wrote several best-selling books, including The 5 a.m. Club—Own Your Mornings—now the 4 a.m. Club! His most recent book is The Wealth Money Can’t Buy. I highly recommend reading it!  

In his book, he shares that One of the fastest ways to find the solution to an issue or challenge you are facing is to ask the right questions.

The right question inevitably leads you to the correct answer.

Questions matter. In business, top performers are brilliant at getting to the right question. The one that speeds them to the place they need to get to and offers them the missing piece they need to find.

In life, asking yourself a powerful question will allow you to step into a new set of possibilities you may have missed while focusing on an old way of seeing things.

Embark on a journey of self-discovery by asking yourself the five Questions. As a leadership development Coach, I encourage you to dedicate some time today to answer the Five questions that will allow you to see your life with possibility.

Robin shared some profound advice that we all can benefit from. So, let’s dive into the Five questions. 

1. What am I Grateful for?   Write down each day what you’re most grateful for. It can be the cup of coffee you sip on each morning. The ability to go for a walk or a run. Your family, spouse, friends, or pets. The power of Gratitude reprograms you away from the negativity you may be facing.

2. Where am I winning? This question gives you hope in your life and helps you build momentum. You are winning somewhere in your life. We have to identify those moments, and we all have them. It trains your brain to look for micro improvements.

3. What will I let go of today? We have all heard that you need a positive mindset. Yes, that is true, and you also need a heart- set. Your heart is the emotional healing part of your life. Let go of the people who have disappointed you. The heartbreak from the relationship is not working. The betrayal feelings you have been holding onto for years. Who do I need to forgive today? Why is that important? Because you’re carrying these emotions and energy like luggage each day.  Drop the luggage!

4. What does my ideal day look like? What would be a perfect day for you? Describe it in detail.

5. What needs to be said at the end? I want you to fast-forward to the last day of your life and ask yourself how you want to be remembered by your family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors. Were you proud of the life you lived? Were you kind, forgiving, or supportive? Did you take the time to create meaningful moments?

Our lives are a journey of human connections and experiences. So we want to avoid those years focused on stress and everything going wrong.  We want to keep growing and learning from each experience and live our lives to their fullest potential.

In the end, we want to live our life on our terms!

Do me a favor and share this with your family, friends or co-workers? If there is a topic you would like me to discuss, private message me. 

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Sales Meetings with Purpose. Lisa Thal, an Author, Inspirational Speaker, and Business Coach with over 37 years of marketing, sales, and leadership experience, is the mastermind behind the book Three Word Meetings. Lisa’s coaching is all about creating sales and business meetings with fun and interesting 3-word topics that spark conversation and ignite a sense of excitement in sales teams.

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