Positive Thinking Day!

positive thinking
Lisa Thal

Today is officially Positive Thinking Day! For some of us, thinking positively comes naturally, but for many others, it is difficult to find the silver lining. The famous phrase, “Is the glass half empty or half full?” may come to mind. So, how do you become a “glass half full” kind of person? I believe the answer lies within how you approach each situation. Yes, including those situations that cause you pain and frustration. In fact, those are often the situations that teach us the most!

One of my favorite quotes is Henry Ford’s, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t – either way you’re right.” Your mindset often has the biggest impact on your performance and therefore outcomes. To get more positive performance and outcomes, try using these five tips to keep you on the positive thinking path.

1) Start your day off with a positive affirmation, such as, ‘Today is a great day,’ or ‘I am so grateful for my life.’  It may be as simple as being thankful for the ability to see, breathe, hear, taste, or touch. Or, perhaps you’re simply thankful for the freedom to make your own decisions each day.

2) Surround yourself with people that give off positive energy, and make it a priority to interact with those people. You may at times lose focus in the day and find yourself surrounded by negative people. My advice is to run, before that negative energy finds its way to you.

3)  Compliment someone you see – whether it’s a friend, coworker, or a stranger. Say hello to people you pass by and wish them a fantastic day. Your smile will bring more positivity to that person – and to yourself.

4)  Play! Whether you sing, dance, run, golf, or play with your kids (or furkids) – it’s important to have hobbies that lift your spirits.

5)  If all else fails, before you go to sleep at the end of the day, be grateful that you were blessed enough to live another day! Even if it wasn’t the best day of your life, chances are that something good happened to you and you overlooked it. Try to think positive thoughts of gratitude for all that you have and for all of the possibilities available to you each day.

I would love to hear how you keep positive thoughts throughout your day – comment below!

‘Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”  Theodore Roosevelt

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