Doing your best

Lisa Thal

I recently had lunch with a few colleagues and we discussed how simple it is to use three words in a sales meeting to engage and inspire your team. The following three words were discussed: “Doing your best.” We began sharing our thoughts on what it meant to us to do our best.

I then took this thought-provoking conversation to my next sales meeting. We went around the room and each team member stated what the words meant to them. The following comments were shared:

• Do your best in that moment.
• Define what your best is for you.
• Focus on yourself instead of the competition.
• Give your clients your best each day.
• Be prepared each day so you can give your full attention.

Some answered with, “Giving everything you’ve got.” But, what does that really mean? I also heard the phrase, “To give 110%.” But I wonder how someone can give more than 100%! I went on to explain that doing your best is good enough. Each of us has the talent, competitive spirit, and energy to attain anything we set our minds to.

What does “doing your best” mean to you? You’re the only one that knows if you’re doing your best. You’re also the only one that can shift your focus to be consistent in doing your best.

There are two essentials to understand the meaning of doing your best.

1) Doing your best means being sincere about wanting to do your best. You must really want to achieve an intended result and you must be truthful about your intent. For example, if you need to grow your business, you must be sincere with yourself on what focused effort and plan you need to implement in order to accomplish that outcome.

2) Doing your best means giving it your full energy. Once you’re sincere with your intent, then you must give it your full energy and try every avenue you can think of, until you succeed.

So, be specific on what you are asking yourself to accomplish. Determine what it will take to achieve it. Realize that you may have to adjust your strategy and approach, and give your maximum energy and effort to your aspiration.

Doing your best is enough. It will get you to your outcomes. That’s something I am 100% sure about.

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