Commit To Yourself

Happy New Year
Lisa Thal

Commit To Yourself
I was recently having lunch with my sister and we discussed what we envisioned for the new year. For most of us, it’s a time to reset and ask those very personal questions. What do I want to accomplish in the new year?

Yes, it’s a time to reflect on what you set out to do a year ago and access your successes or shortfalls. Let’s take a moment to reflect on your year. Did you exceed your expectations? Did you fall short? For many of us, we may have forgotten what we set out to accomplish for ourselves. If so, what can you learn from those experiences that could benefit you moving forward?

As a life coach, what I have come to understand is that until you understand the “why” you may find it challenging to stay the course on fulfilling your desires. The “why” is the emotional reason that will support your vision. If you set health as a focus, ask yourself, “Why?” What would it mean to you to live a healthy lifestyle? Would it mean more energy in the day? More energy to play with your kids or grandkids? Is it possible making better food choices could give you that extra energy needed in the day? Or perhaps it would reduce inflammation in your body and allow you to sleep better each night.

Better health should be a priority for all of us. Creating a pathway to better health includes more than making better food choices. It also includes taking the time to breathe and clear your mind. It includes movement of your body each day, taking a walk or a yoga class, running, biking or just getting up from your desk to walk around your office or home.

In addition, we need to feed our minds. Schedule the time to read, watch YouTube videos or listen to podcasts to lift you up, make you laugh or inspire you. Start or end each day by reminding yourself how grateful you are to be alive. Let go of the daily frustrations and believe each day is a gift. Simply smiling shifts your body in a better direction. It’s setting your mind in the direction you wish to go.

This is the year! The year you commit to yourself! The year you become the doer versus the dreamer. The year your ambition becomes reality, your purpose, your fulfillment.

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