7 ways to make time for yourself

Lisa Thal

Many are caught off guard in March when the time changes and we spring forward. If you think about it, we spend most of our time working. We spend at least forty hours a week meeting with clients, implementing strategies, and setting timelines. Time is our most valuable tool. How we spend our time is a critical component to our success.

I love the quote by Maya Angelou, “All great achievements require time.”  Let’s face it, we need time to accomplish the outcomes we have set for ourselves. Aside from work goals, it’s also important to enjoy the other “times” in your life.

Below are 7 ways to make time for yourself.

1. Exercise – Exercise is important for both physical and mental health. Exercise reduces stress and creates energy so you can maintain your strength throughout the day. You’ll also feel better, which gives you greater confidence.

2. Read – Reading expands your view of the world and gives you the opportunity to learn new ideas and philosophies. It also helps to build your vocabulary, giving you greater communication skills and the ability to better connect with those you meet.

3. Invest in yourself – One of the greatest lessons I learned from Warren Buffett was to always find time to invest in yourself. The most successful people in the world are the ones who make a commitment to never stop learning. They’re always seeking new skills and knowledge. After all,  you need to give to yourself so that you can give to others. Find a seminar or webinar in your field to help you excel in your work.

4. Rest –
Making sure you get a full night of sleep is vital to your health. It’s recommended to make a habit of going to bed at the same time each night without your electronics. It helps you think clearly and make better decisions during the day.

5. Meditate – Take time to look within. Taking the time to be still, take deep breaths, and calm your mind is incredibly beneficial to you. You can download a meditation app on your phone or computer to guide you through the meditation. We are moving so fast nowadays, so it’s even more important to stop and think about what you’re most grateful for each day.

6. Play –  Play time does not end at childhood! Adults too can benefit from the creativity, stimulation, and relaxation of play. Whether it’s throwing a frisbee, playing fetch with your dog, or participating in a game of charades with friends – let go and go have fun!

7. Connect with others– Your job isn’t everything. Scheduling time with those you love is critical.  I encourage you to prioritize your bond with your friends and family members. You will feel more fulfilled when you share your life with others.  Surrounding yourself with supportive people is a game changer.

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