5 ways to create and maintain a positive attitude

Positive Mental State
Lisa Thal

In our weekly sales meeting our team had a discussion on the power of PMS.  Yes, the women laughed as we said “oh yeah we have experienced that”.  The men replied “we have witnessed it ourselves”.  I know minds went quickly to how the monthly cycle of women impacts the universe.  The PMS we were discussing was Positive Mental State!

A positive attitude has a major impact on you. It can make you happier and more resilient, it improves your relationships, and it even increases your chances of success which carries over into your work life as well.  It makes you more creative and helps you make better decisions.   Most importantly, studies show that people with a positive mental attitude live longer.5 ways to create and maintain a positive attitude:

1. Have a morning routine.   How you start your morning sets the tone for the rest of the day.  Make sure you have an positive attitude boosting your morning routine that puts you in a good mood so that you start the day off right.  For me, this entails running  three fur kids every morning.  For others its sipping coffee, playing with their kids, going for a walk or meditating. Can you think of a morning routine that could be incorporating into your day?

2. Smile.  Try it now.  I will wait. A real big smile.  Smiling has been proved to give you an instantaneous attitude boost.  It releases endorphins and serotonin—feel good hormones.  Who doesn’t want to feel good?  We each have something that makes us smile.  Think of a happy memory or something that you’re grateful for.  It can be as simple as your health, a loving relationship, your pet, your family or a deep friendship.

3. Think of life not as something that’s happening TO YOU, but as something that’s happening FOR YOU.  Look at challenging situations or events as a an opportunity that’s been brought into your life to teach you something. We will all face adversity in our lifetime.  How we approach that adversity will be the difference between living a life of hope or frustration.  Ask yourself when faced with a challenging situation, “What am I supposed to learn or gain from this”?

4. Visualize.  When things aren’t going your way, keep a positive attitude by visualizing yourself succeeding and achieving your goals.  Most top athletes have been known to visualize themselves achieving the outcome prior to experiencing it.  Jason Day, a top PGA player, approaches every shot by taking a deep breath and shutting his eyes to visualize the next golf shot.  Our minds are very powerful; we can train our brain to think of positive outcomes and visualize ourselves succeeding.

5. Seek out others with a positive attitude.   Positive attitudes are contagious.  When you feel you need an attitude boost, find someone with a great attitude and look for an reason to hang out with them.  Their positivity will rub off on you and you’ll be able to face the world/your workplace with renewed optimism.  A common phrase my mom would share with me is, “you are who you hang around with”.  I have a choice and so do you to surround yourself with positive people.

PMS – Positive Mental State, what does that mean to you?  We may not be able to control everything, but the one thing we control is our attitude.

You have the power to choose positivity!

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