3 words to consider this Thanksgiving.

Lisa Thal
“Develop an attitude of gratitude and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.”  Brian Tracy
Life happens every second of every day.  How we accept those moments can be the difference of living a life of gratitude or living a life of resentment.  Becoming aware of those teaching moments along the way can shift your focus to appreciating every experience you encounter.  The word “Thanksgiving”  expresses to me that we are thankful for all those experiences given to us.  So as you gather with family and friends this holiday season, take the time to be grateful for all you have been given.
There are three words that keep me focused on ” thankfulness. “
  1. Attitude :  How you think or feel about someone or something reflects your attitude.  Are you hopeful or hopeless?   You have total control on how you approach life.  It’s easy to appreciate all the happy moments, but those challenging moments are when you are given a gift.  I encourage you to  shift your mind to operate from a new belief that says, “Life happens not to me, but for me.”
  2. Gratitude:   Gratitude is an awareness that, as things come to you, they are exactly what you need – be it people, circumstances, or challenges.  Each day brings a multitude of opportunities to feel gratitude and appreciation.  Saying “thank you” to those challenging experiences is the best way to continue to grow.  Even those experiences where we are faced with conflict.  Stop and say “thank you” for this experience as I am certain there is a teaching moment there.  I encourage you to develop a routine of gratitude.  For me, each morning I run my three dogs and give thanks for all that I have which includes my health, my spirituality, and my ability to love and connect to family, friends, co-workers and those I have yet to meet.  I recognize that every day is a gift and so is each encounter I experience.
  3. Achievement – What you pay attention to or notice, tends to expand and grow.  You will attain your outcomes by becoming more aware of what you want and why it’s critical for you to achieve it.  The “why”  is the emotional reason behind its importance for you.  Having the right attitude with gratitude will make your experience more fulfilling!
I am grateful and thankful for you! 

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